How to Upload Music to Spotify, Apple Music and Everywhere Else
A step-by-step walk-through and tutorial
Last Updated: October 2023 | Article Details: 5910 Words (30 – 32 minute read)
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A lot of new music artists wonder how to upload music to Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Tidal, Amazon and all the other major digital music platforms.
So in this post we’re going to go step-by-step through how to release a song/album to all platforms online, so you can get your music out there ASAP.
You can’t upload music directly to streaming services. But below you’ll learn how to release music on all platforms – whether you release a song or a full album – using a major digital distributor (check out our head-to-head showdown of Tunecore vs Distrokid).
We’ll show you exactly what to do step-by-step, where and how to do it, and then get into more detail about Spotify music distribution in the 21st century.
Let’s get into it.
Article Table of Contents
1. Quick-Start: Getting Your Music Out There
2. Detailed Walkthroughs of Uploading Music to Streaming Sites
- 2.1 The 2 Best Music Distribution Companies Online
- 2.2 How to Use TuneCore – Step By Step
- 2.3 How to Use DistroKid – Step By Step
3. More About Getting Music on Streaming Platforms
- 3.1 An Overview of Getting Your Music Out There
- 3.2 What Company You Should Choose
- 3.3 How to Get Your Music Ready for Spotify + More
- 3.4 How Much do DistroKid and TuneCore Cost?
- 3.5 How Long Does it Take to Get Your Music Onto Streaming Sites?
- 3.6 Where Will Your Music Be, Once Released?
- 3.7 Your Music’s On Spotify, What Now?
How to Upload Music to Streaming Services Step-By-Step
Time needed: 45 minutes
Here are the steps involved in uploading your music to all digital platforms and streaming services:
- Choose a Distributor
The first step is to choose a partner to work with to get your music on all the services. Sign-up for TuneCore (20% off) or Sign-up for DistroKid (7% off)
- Choose Release Type
On the site you’ve signed up for, choose what type of release you are distributing. You can either release a single (one song) or an album (a collection of songs together).
- Enter Artist and Release Information
Make sure you enter all the necessary information to enter into your release – artist name, collaborators, release date, etc.
- Upload Files and Enter Details
Upload a high quality audio file or files (usually 44.1Khz, 16-Bit WAV) and cover artwork for the release and enter all relevant song details including title, meta data, producers/songwriters, ISRC/Barcode (if applicable) etc.
- Choose Release Platforms
Choose the stores and streaming platforms you want to release your music on for this project. This includes things like Spotify and Apple Music. It’s best to choose every available platform so your release appears everywhere online.
- Finalize Submission
Before you click the “submit release” button, make sure all of the details and meta-data for your release are 100% accurate. It’s useful to triple-check everything to avoid annoying problems in the future. Once you’re sure you’re ready, hit submit and wait for each store to publish your music.
Below, we’ll get into much more detail on each step, with screenshots.
You’ll also need to enter in details on how you want to be paid out for sales and streams you make (iTunes digital downloads, etc).
And that’s it! Your music will be ready for the Spotify library and all other major digital platforms. If you’re wondering how to upload music to Apple Music or Tidal, this process takes care of it for you!
Deviant Noise Top Pick Recommendation:
An Overview of How to Get Your Music on Spotify
The very first thing you need to worry about as independent artists is making sure your music is GOOD ENOUGH to be out in the world.
So before you ask “how to put my music on all platforms” make sure it deserves to be out there for public consumption. Not every song you ever make has to see the light of day…
Got songs you’re really proud of? YES?
OK. Next question.
Can you upload music directly onto Spotify as an independent artist?
The answer is NO.
So how do you get your music on Spotify and other streaming services, then?
To get your music on those major platforms you need to work with a “music distributor/aggregator” to add your music to their libraries.
The 2 Best Music Distribution Companies Online:
Here’s our take on how to upload music on all digital platforms – music stores and streaming platforms – the best way. You’ve got a few options, but these are our 2 recommendations.
There are a lot of others out there that allow you to release music on all platforms, but the above 2 are the best (with TuneCore being the “OG top of the top!”).
You have to pay a fee (both are subscription based), then you can upload your song/album and enter all the applicable information (release date, artists/features, title, cover art, etc).
A couple weeks later, you’ll be able to access your music everywhere.
Click Here Get All Your Music On Streaming Platforms Quickly and Easily!
Uploading Your Music to All Platforms – Detailed Walkthroughs
In this section we’re going to show you exactly how to get your music on streaming platforms, step-by-step!
We’ll start with our #1 pick (TuneCore) and then do a similar walkthrough on how to upload music on all platforms using DistroKid right after.
Read our complete Tunecore Review (read now) or our complete Distrokid Review (read now) to learn more.
Step By Step – Using TuneCore to Get Music on Spotify
The process to distribute your music via TuneCore is SUPER SIMPLE.
Step 1: Create a Free Account
First off you have to create a free account entering in your basic info (name, email, etc).
After you sign up, you’ll have to verify your account.
They’ll send you a confirmation email. So next go to your inbox, and find the email from TuneCore. If you don’t see the email, check your spam folder or “promotions” tab if you’re using Gmail.
Step 2: Begin Your New Release
Once you click the link in the email, you’ll get to a page like below:
If you have more than one song to release choose “Album” and if you only have a single song to release choose “Single.” After that you’ll see a screen where you have to enter in all your information about the track. In the example below we use a single.
First, just enter the details of your music – song title, artists, genre, and language. And choose if there are explicit lyrics or not. Then if you scroll down, you can enter additional details if you’ve already released this song before. If you don’t know what any of that info is, don’t worry about it. It’s mostly optional info anyways.
Step 3: Upload Track Artwork
After you hit the “Create My Single” button you’ll be taken to a new page as shown below, where you can upload the track’s artwork.
Press the “Upload or Create Artwork” button on the top left, and you’ll see a page like this one:
Take a quick look at the requirements of to make sure your artwork is compatible with TuneCore (and therefore compatible with Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal, etc). Then hit the blue “Upload Artwork File” button to choose a file from your computer. If you don’t have artwork that fits the requirements you can scroll down and have compatible artwork created for you.
Otherwise, after upload you’ll see this:
Just hit “Save And Continue” and you’re almost ready to finalize your release.
Step 4: Upload Your Music File (WAV Only!)
Next, we’ll upload our audio file.
Your file MUST be a 16 bit 44.1 khz WAV file, so make sure it’s correct before trying to upload it. Just scroll down a bit and click the “Upload” button in the “SONG” section.
Choose your audio file from your computer and you’re good to go!
One of the cool things about using TuneCore when releasing music to streaming services is you can setup your release before your master audio files are even ready. That way you save yourself some time while waiting for your engineer to get back to you.
Step 5: Enter Songwriter Information
Next, enter the songwriter and artist information below the “track upload” area. It’s important to enter proper full names in the songwriter section of the people who actually wrote the song! This matters for royalty payments so make sure it’s correct. (Sometimes this is different than the people who record/perform the song).
After that scroll down a bit to see more options available to you.
Step 6: Choose Stores and Additional Options
Here you can choose which online stores can carry your music. Spotify is the most popular music service so make sure that’s checked! There’s no real reason to customize this, so you should just leave it at ALL STORES. It’s important to upload music to all platforms so any potential fan has the ability to find it.
It’s also a good idea to add the “Store Automator” feature because any new stores that get started will get your music automatically without you having to re-submit to them in the future.
If you’re trying to sell physical CDs as well (lol) you can do so by choosing the “Amazon On Demand” feature. If you want to let fans “pre-order” before the release, you can set that up there too. After that, scroll up a bit and hit the SAVE button on the track information.
Step 7: Finalize Your Release
We’re almost done! Once you’ve saved your info you’ll be asked to choose a subscription type.
I usually go for the 1 year in most cases, but if you want to save a bit over time, you can go with a multi-year subscription. Once you hit the “Add to Cart” button you’re taken to a page with all the items you’re purchasing for this particular release:
Scroll down and hit the “Proceed to Checkout” orange button and you’ll be able to enter your payment information.
You’re able to pay with either PayPal or Credit Card. Once you’ve paid you’re taken to a confirmation page with the release information and you’ll be emailed a receipt. And that’s basically all you’ve got to do! Your single or album will be released to all stores on the date you set.
Congrats! You just learned how to release music on all platforms using TuneCore.
Step-By-Step – How to Upload Music to All Digital Platforms Using DistroKid
So how do you get your music on streaming services and all digital platforms using DistroKid? Pay attention…
Step 1: Create Your Account
The first thing you need to do is create an account with your email address:
Step 2: Choose Your Membership Type & Pay
Most people will be OK with the Musician package for $19.99 per year. It lets you distribute as much music as you want to streaming sites for that year under a single artist name. But we recommend choosing at least the Musician Plus option. It gives you some additional customization and reporting/analytics. But it’s not 100% necessary.
Just click whichever option suits you best:
This service will make you enter your payment information and subscribe to the service before you’re able to start a new music release. So on the next page, enter your credit card information and pay for the yearly membership. Unfortunately they don’t offer PayPal or anything else as an option, so you’ll need access to a credit card. If you don’t have one, you can buy a Visa or Mastercard gift card and it should work.
Step 3: Click, Click, Click again… And Enter Contact Information…
After you hit that join button, your credit card will be charged and you’re greeted with this screen:
And then when you hit “Start Now” you’ll get the following screen. Notice the tiny link that you’re supposed to click:
And then you’ll be told before you can start a release you have to enter your contact information…
And then when you hit that “Add Contact Information” button (yes, that’s a lot of f$^kin clicks to get to where you’re going…) you’ll be asked to enter all your relevant contact details.
This is all the basic information that they ask for:
- Phone Number
- Name
- Business Name
- Country
- Address
- City
- Postal Code
Also don’t forget to read (lol) the DistroKid Distribution Agreement. This is a legally binding agreement so make sure you know what’s up with it. No one likes reading terms of service and contract-law English that’s 1000 pages long, but it’s probably a good idea to do.
Then just click that little checkbox below it to state that you’ve read and agree to all the terms contained in the text above. Enter your DistroKid account password at the end and then hit the “Continue” button.
Step 4: Start a New Release
Next, you’ll begin a “new release.” A release is any single piece or collection of music you intend to distribute to all the different digital music stores and online streaming services around the globe.
There’s a ton of sites to upload to and we suggest choosing all of them. Remember, even though we specifically mention Spotify, Apple Music and Tidal (the biggest streamers), you want your music to be on every site possible. Don’t make it more difficult for a random person to access your music.
Then choose how many songs you want to release on this project. You can choose to release a single (1 song) or up to 35 songs together as an album/collection/playlist.
Next, select whether or not this music has already been released elsewhere. If you choose “Yes” another are pops down asking for the original release date. This would then make this submission a “re-release.”
This is usually best for stuff that’s been out (ex/ old music for the past) but isn’t on the streaming sites yet. But maybe if you already put it out on SoundCloud or Spotify in the past, you can also consider it a re-release. Not a big deal, it’s totally up to you.
Step 5: Enter Artist Name and Release Date
First enter your artist or band name (not your real name, unless that IS your artist/band name). Make sure you capitalize the first letter of each word/name. Don’t use ALL CAPS or all lower case letters. AnD DoNT uSe WEirD AsS SpONgE BOb CaPItaLizAtIon. It will get rejected from all the stores/sites.
Important Note: The Artist/Band Name section is ONLY for the MAIN artist. This is NOT for any featured artists or producer names. That comes later…
Next, you can choose your release date (it can be the same day or in the future) and time. DistroKid recommends that you set your release date to at least 7 days in the future, because it increases the chances that you’ll be added to major streaming playlists. And music discovery in 2019 really is all about playlists, so it’s a good practice to follow.
But beyond that, 7 days is cutting it close, and you may not be able to access your song everywhere by that release date. You should try to give yourself a 4 week window before your release date. That will ensure that on your release date your song/album WILL be available on EVERY store.
You can also choose if you want to allow people to pre-order the song on Google Play, iTunes and Amazon (or pre-save on Spotify, etc.). Totally up to you. We like making shit easy for people, so we’d say “yes” allow pre-orders from the very same day we setup the distribution. (But at the same time,we don’t ever expect ANYONE to actually buy a song… it’s not 2005 anymore…)
For the release time, we recommend choosing the second option – make the song available to everyone, everywhere in the world at the same time. Make it easy.
DistroKid’s system will automatically check to see if there is another artist/band in Spotify or iTunes with your same name. If this is the first time you’ve ever released music under this name (and there’s no one else with the same artist/band name) the screen will look like the above screenshot.
If you already have music out there in the world (or there’s already someone else out there in the world that has the exact same artist/band name as you) the screen will look like the pic on the left.
If the artist that gets found is really you, then choose “That’s Me!” or “Yes – group this release with my other [NAME] releases” for both.
If there’s some other artist/band that’s using your name make sure you choose “I’m a different [NAME]” or “No – this will be my first [NAME] release.”
If you mess this up you’re going to have a huge headache (and potential legal issues) in the future. So make sure you’re picking the right option so everything shows up correctly on the streaming sites.
Step 6: Add Artwork and Genre Info
The next field is “Record Label” if you’re on the Musician Plus package. If you’re not on a label or don’t have a label, you can just make up a name. Next up, you want to upload the song or album artwork. Make sure you’re uploading something that looks good. If you need to hire someone for a photoshoot or an artist to draw something it’s well worth it. We live in a visual culture. The look is just as important as the sound.
The image file you use should:
- be 3000x3000px
- be a JPG file
- be original artwork (not already used before + you own the rights to use it)
- NOT CONTAIN a website address, social media account names, spotify/apple/amazon/etc logo
- NOT BE blurry (don’t re-size a small image, pixelated images get rejected)
After you’ve uploaded the artwork choose the genre of the song/album. You don’t need to enter a secondary genre, but it may help with fans discovering you if you do.
Step 7: Enter Song Details and Upload Song(s)
Now we need to enter the details about the music we’re uploading and actually upload the audio files. We always recommend uploading high quality (44.1khz 16-bit) WAV files to make sure that the audio quality is as high as possible. Also you want to make sure your music is fully mixed and mastered properly.
Don’t upload some amateur, distorted or shitty sounding audio.
First enter the name of the song(s) – and note that THIS is where you’d enter any featured artists names. See the screenshot below:
A featured artist should be entered in brackets like this: “SONG NAME (feat. [feature artist name])” If you have 2 features, use the “&” symbol. If you have 3 or more, use a comma to separate the names and an “&” before the LAST featured artist name. If you’re uploading a cover version of another song, DO NOT enter the original artists name here.
That’s not allowed. As far as capitalization, it’s the same rules as for the Artist Name section above. Also, you can’t enter any producer names here either.
Then choose the file(s) (make it high quality WAV if possible) you’ll be uploading. If you already have an ISRC code click the little link on the right side and enter it. If you don’t know what that is, don’t worry about it. After this you’ll enter song details – songwriters, explicit lyrics, etc. If you’re on the Musician Plus plan you also get to choose the price you sell digital downloads for.
So if you want to charge more than $0.99 per download (good luck…) you can.
For the songwriter choose “Another artist wrote it” if the song is a cover version (you’ll enter the original artist’s name in a section that pops up if you choose that button). If it’s your original work, make sure you’re entering EVERYONE who has rights to the song.
If you buy beats online or work with music producers or additional songwriters, you need to enter their name and role in the songwriting process here. Then, choose if you have explicit lyrics (swears) in the song and whether the song you’re uploading is an instrumental (no lyrics/words) or a “radio edit” and move to the next step.
Step 8: Choose Extras and Submit
OK.. We’re almost done. The next step is to choose additional distribution options (these cost extra money) and agree to all the terms of DistroKid.
Here’s what it looks like:
And here’s a quick breakdown of the extras:
- Instagram and Facebook Music
- Cost: Free
- DEFINITELY select this one. It’s free and gets your music on the biggest social networks in the world. Why wouldn’t you?
- Store Maximizer
- Cost: $7.95/year
- DistroKid is always adding new stores/platforms they work with. So if you choose this it’ll add this release to them as they get added.
- Shazam & iPhone Siri
- Cost: $0.99/year
- Shazam and Siri can be used to tell listeners the name and artist of a song they don’t know but are currently listening to (think of malls, restaurants, coffee shops, radio, etc).
- This is WORTH IT. Check this option at the very least because it increases the chances new fans will discover your music.
- Leave a Legacy
- Cost: $29.00 (one time fee)
- So, if you don’t choose this option you’ll need to make sure you’re renewing your DistroKid membership every single year to make sure your music always stays on the different streaming and music purchase platforms.
- This one’s up to you – it’s not necessary but it’s always nice not to have to worry about your music being deleted from Spotify because your credit card expired…
If you choose to get ALL the extra options (a good idea, in our opinion) it will cost you $37.90 at the time of purchase and another $8.94 every single year that you want these options for this music release.
After you’ve chosen your extras (make sure you AT LEAST choose the Instagram/Facebook option), check the 4 check-boxes at the bottom (you’re agreeing to a bunch of terms and conditions so you should read all that shit).
Finally hit the “DONE” button, and there you go. Your release will be put onto all the various music streaming and music purchase services on the internet!
If you scroll down a bit you’ll see a link to a page that gives you details and status of the release. You can also see how the royalty/payment splits are setup, add lyrics, add extra distribution features and more:
You also get a “pre-release” link you can share with your fanbase, family and friends that lets them know about the upcoming release on Spotify:
If this is your first release, you’re probably pretty stoked right now. Congratulations! That’s really f$#kin dope. It’s a crazy feeling seeing your name and music on these major platforms.
More About Getting Your Music on All Digital Platforms
Here’s a couple things a lot of people wonder about how to get music on Spotify and all other digital platforms
What Company You Should Choose to Upload Your Music Online
TuneCore is our preferred partner for getting music onto streaming sites because it’s hands-down the best in the game… and they’ve been in the game a LONG time.
It’s got the best payout structure, tons of extra features plus it’s super effective and simple to use.
The best part about TuneCore, though, is you get to keep 100% of ALL your royalties, and there are no hidden fees. With other services (like DistroKid) you don’t always get the ALL of the royalty payout (more on this in a sec…).
Here’s more on why TuneCore is our #1 CHOICE when getting your music out there:
- Addons like handling Publishing Administration (collecting your royalties for you)
- Film/TV/etc sync placement opportunities for your distributed songs (if you addon the Pub Admin.)
- Addon service for handling your Social Media management
- Excellent customer support and best payout structure
One of the world’s biggest Hip-Hop artists – Russ – used TuneCore to go from 0 to over SIX FIGURES in music royalties PER MONTH from streaming. He did that by using TuneCore to release a new song every single week, for years.
Guess what? We partnered with TuneCore to offer you 20% OFF your first distribution! Click Here to Claim Your Discount!!
DistroKid (who we’re also partnered with) used to be our #1 pick to get music on digital platforms because they were the cheaper option, but not any more. TuneCore has similar pricing now and has much better royalty payout terms. Here’s what I mean…
DistroKid partners with a middleman company called Merlin to handle the collection of money for artists. And unfortunately companies like that often take a percentage of the money they collect from DSPs FIRST, before giving it to DistroKid to payout to artists and rights holders.
So even though DistroKid pays out 100% of what they get, they don’t get 100% of the entire royalty payout from the DSP.
On the other hand, TuneCore negotiates DIRECTLY stores like Spotify – no middleman. And they payout more (100% of 100%) to actual artists and rights holders.
That doesn’t mean DistroKid is bad platform. And we absolutely still recommend them if you’re wondering how to upload music to streaming services.
They have a couple of exclusive features we love, and also offer additional services like help with social media, publishing and more.
Bottom Line:
We still think that choosing TuneCore to release music on all platforms is the better choice for most artists.
With TuneCore you get higher payouts, peace of mind and excellent support + extras when getting your music on Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon and everywhere else.
What About “Spotify for Artists?”
Spotify has a feature called “Spotify for Artists” that you should definitely sign up for. It can be used to manage your artist profile on Spotify, but unfortunately you can’t use it to put your music directly onto the streaming platform anymore.
Still, it’s a really great resource for independent artists, so make sure you sign up for it.
How to Get Your Music Ready for Release
Before you get your music on Spotify or Apple Music, you need to get your music properly mixed and mastered for streaming services.
If you don’t know what mixing and mastering is, you’re not ready to release any songs. Get in touch with a mixing engineer so they can get a more polished, clean and pro sound to your song.
When you get your mastering done, make sure the mastering engineer sends you audio files that are mastered for STREAMING (not for vinyl, CD, etc) with proper loudness levels.
When you upload music to all platforms using local files from your computer, make sure they are high quality (44.1khz, 16-bit minimum) WAV audio files. Do NOT Use MP3s! USE WAV FILES! MP3s suck.
And finally, get all your metadata and additional media ready before you start the release/upload process above – artist + feature names, song/album name, song files, song/album artwork files, etc.
How Much Do DistroKid and TuneCore Cost?
TuneCore used to be more expensive than DistroKid, but they recently changed everything up and are now CHEAPER than DistroKid.
Both services offer unlimited releases on their subscription plans. That means you can release as much music as you want for a yearly fee.
DistroKid has 3 different membership levels ranging from $19.99/year up to $79.99/year – the higher up membership levels are mostly meant for people that need to release music for multiple artists. If you’re running an independent label choose the $79.99 “Label” membership, otherwise one of the others will do.
Also remember, there are additional options you can choose for your releases on DistroKid that cost extra.
TuneCore has 4 subscription options:
- a FREE tier that lets you release music to social platforms (but not streaming sites)
- Rising Artist Tier @ $14.99/year – get your music on 150+ digital stores + streaming sites
- Breakout Artist Tier @ $29.99/year – adds advanced features to customize your release (ex/ Store Automator + Cover Art Creator)
- Professional Tier @ $49.99/year – meant for labels with premium product/service access
If you’d like to add music publishing and sync licensing support it costs $75.
How Long Does it Take to Upload Music to All Platforms
Once you finish filling in all the information you’ll be asked to upload audio/image files and make payment. It usually takes some time (a day or so) for the Aggregator staff to review your submission.
After that there are different wait times before you’ll actually appear on all the different platforms.
- iTunes: Though the time it takes for music to go live on iTunes can vary, releases typically go live within 24-48 hours
- Amazon Music, Deezer, iHeartRadio: 3-7 business days
- Amazon On Demand: 6-8 weeks
- Google Play: 1-2 weeks
- Spotify: 5 business days
- All other stores take 1-3 weeks
Where Will Your Music Be, Once Released?
Now that you know how to release music to all platforms, you’re probably wondering where else your music will be placed. Both companies release your music to over 150 digital stores across the globe.
Both will get your music on:
- Apple Music
- Spotify
- Amazon Music
- Google Play
- Tidal
- Pandora
- Napster
- Deezer
- YouTube Music
- iHeartRadio
- eMusic
- many other platforms
You Got Your Music On Spotify, What Now?
Thinking to yourself “I know how to put my music on all platforms now, I’m done!”?
You ain’t done yet! All the music streaming sites out there have millions of tracks in their library to choose from.
And you don’t want to get lost in the crowd.
So, after releasing new music you NEED to actively promote your music to new fans and get new listeners from other online platforms.
Deviant Noise is more focused on making music than promoting it, but promotion is an important part of any music career.
There’s just one big problem – the sheer amount of music out there. Hundreds of new songs are released everyday, so you’re going to have to find creative ways to gain attention.
Whatever you do, DO NOT just spam people on social media with your Spotify or Apple Music links. That’s the worst and will actually make people hate you before they ever hear you.
Upload music videos (or picture videos) of your songs to YouTube. Upload MP3s to places like SoundCloud, BandCamp, SoundClick and anywhere else you can think of where people find new music.
Start interacting with music-based communities/forums online (don’t spam your music!). Be helpful. Become a part of the community. Engage with the people. And then eventually share your stuff.
Make sure your music’s available on TikTok (TuneCore and DistroKid will help with that) and create videos using it. Get your friends and any fans you do have to do the same.
Reach out to independent playlist curators on Spotify or other streaming sites. Search for opportunities online to get your music synced in ads, movies, video games or tv/film. Reach out to small podcasters and YouTubers and offer them your music for their shows/videos.
Play open mic nights in your city and throw your own live shows. Collaborate with other artists in your town and online. Just get yourself and your music out there any way you can.
The point is, just because your music is online, doesn’t mean anyone will listen. You still gotta grind it out and build up a fanbase.
Frequently Asked Questions
The app “Spotify for Artists” does give music artists analytics on the people listening to their music. Once you log in and verify your profile, you’ll be able to see demographic information, number of streams and more.
Yes, in “Spotify for Artists” you’re able to see any playlists your music has been added to, along with other information on your music’s performance on the platform.
The best streaming service to upload music to is all of them. Put your music everywhere. That’s the best way to ensure your music is discoverable by as many fans around the world as possible. Make sure your music is on all streaming sites and music stores when you publish releases.
No, Apple Music is the company’s music streaming platform, while the iTunes store is where you can purchase music and other media as digital downloads.
Final Thoughts
Now you can upload music to all platforms whenever you want!
The sad truth is there’s a TON of music out there, and people have less and less bandwidth for new things. Attention is scarce.
So the best advice I can give you is to work on your craft of song-making until you have OBJECTIVE GREATNESS.
Then release a song on all platforms out there and GRIND hard for opportunities to gain new fans any way you can.
If you’re willing to work at it, you can build yourself a great career in music.
The rapper Russ used TuneCore and great music to become one of the most successful independent music artists of this new generation – eventually making six figures in MONTHLY royalties after years and years of consistently putting music onto streaming sites and promoting it.
If you have music that’s ready to be released, I highly recommend you use TuneCore to do it – they’re an affordable way to release unlimited music to Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal and more!
Hope this post was helpful in showing you exactly how to upload music to Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal and all digital platforms.
Additional Resources
Related Articles/Guides:
- Guide to PROs – Read Now
- Guide to Streaming Sites – Read Now
- How to Become a Pro Singer or Rapper – Read Now
- How to Make Money in Music – Read Now
- How to Relase Music Properly – Read Now
- How to Promote Your Music – Read Now
- How to Play Live Shows – Read Now
Resources and Tools for Artists (affiliate links)
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