The Ultimate Singing Success Review

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Last Updated: March 2024

In this Singing Success review, we’ll go over everything you need to know about the program and whether it’s worth it or not to purchase.

If you’re interested, definitely check out our entire buyers guide on the best vocal training available online. Spoiler alert… Singing Success did NOT make the cut.

Let’s get right into it.

Singing Success

Quick Review and Recommendation


  • VIP All-Access Pass – $197/month
  • Gold Membership – $97/month
  • Singing Success 360 Standalone – $30/month

Overall Rating:

3/5 Stars

Singing Success used to be a great program for singers, but there have been a lot of competitors that have come out that offer better value and experience.

We don’t really recommend getting Singing Success if you’re someone who wants to learn how to improve your singing voice. We prefer a program called 30 Day Singer (learn more).

Deviant Noise TOP PICK Recommendation:

Want to sing better FAST? Try out a 14-day free trial of 30DaySinger below and improve your voice risk-free!

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Try Our #1 PICK for BEST Singing Lessons – 30 Day Singer

Singing Success Course Duration:

  • At Your Own Speed
  • 30+ hours of step by step training plus additional modules/courses

What You’ll Get From Singing Success:

  1. VIP Membership – SS360 + Mastering Mix + Mastering Singing Harmony + SSTV + Weekly Live Lessons/WarmUps
  2. Gold Membership – SS360 + Mastering Harmony + SSTV + One 20 Minute Live WarmUp
  3. Singing Success 360 – 30 hours of video and audio lessons
    1. Lessons split into two main sections: Technique & Style.
    2. More than 100 singing exercises that you’ll find in 7 Techniques and 7 Style Lessons


For Beginners and Experienced Singers


  • Learn Straight from the Vocal Coach of Keith Urban and Taylor Swift
  • The lessons will help you continuously improve (You won’t become stagnant)
  • Weekly live lessons keep you growing constantly
  • Full online access to the entire Singing Success course library with a growing list of video lessons


  • Monthly Recurring Price Instead of One-Off Payment
  • You Have to Get Through a Number of Materials (Not Really a Bad Thing)
  • Once You Stop Paying, You Stop Getting Access to Lessons
  • Some of the singing techniques may not be suitable for everyone (find more about it below)

This Course Will Work Best If…

  • You want to learn from one of the best (Brett Manning works with Grammy Award Winners)
  • You can’t sing worth a dime
  • You know how to sing but you want to master your voice
  • You want to improve overall – Control, Pitch, Range, Power, Tone

Thanks for checking out our Singing Success review. The Singing Success program has always been a great program – the creator Brett Manning was the vocal coach for so many high profile singers.

But with this latest change to the program (going from Singing Success to Singing Success 360, and the resulting price-hike) I’m not the biggest fan of this program….

In a majority of cases, I would personally recommend people try HearAndPlay’s Vocal Mastery instead of this program because of one main reason.

You guessed it…

It’s So Damn Expensive…

The high overall cost of the program (recurring monthly payments) may turn most people off – and for good reason. There are much more affordable online singing lessons like the Vocal Mastery program that are just as good (actually better) than Singing Success 360.

And you only have to pay once.

My Personal Experience with Singing Success 360

NOTE: The below review is the personal experience of one of Deviant Noise’s former writers.

When I first tried Singing Success I was already an amateur singer but didn’t have a strong voice. So when I first delved into it, I was not expecting anything extraordinary…

But… I Guess I Was Wrong

I tried the first two lessons and tried practicing a bit. Although it felt a little different, I did not notice anything else. It was just what I predicted – another course to help me sing better.


I had gone through a different course before this, so I already knew the basics of singing. I couldn’t really sing loudly though.

A Pleasant Surprise

I continued with the course and practiced the different methods taught by Brett and the other voice coaches. As I kept on going, I started to notice that I had more control over my voice. I also noticed improvements as I transition between my head and chest voice.

I already had a decent voice control, but this course seemed to take things to singing a higher level. I was thrilled…

I continued with the different lessons and kept on practicing.

Significant Improvement in My Voice

When I finished the program, I was overwhelmed by the significant improvement in my voice.

This course is put together in such a way that it will make you have better control of your voice and all the other organs that come into play when you sing.

If you continuously practice the exercises and techniques, this course will help you improve.

What I Recommend Regarding Singing Success

This program is worth a try if you want to spend the money. One of the renowned vocal coaches in the music industry designed this course.

Brett Manning uses the same techniques and methods as he coaches trains winning singers. BUT – some say that his method causes vocal nodules (google it if you want to learn more).

Whether you are a beginner or an amateur singer, this program will help you improve your voice. You will also have better control over your voice.BUT – we still prefer HearAndPlay Vocal Mastery over this course.

Yes, the course may be expensive, but the 6-month cash-back guarantee plus the included bonuses make buying this program a no-brainer. If you feel that there is no improvement, you don’t like it, or you simply don’t want to spend the money, you have the option to return it with no additional inquiries.

My recommendation – try 30 Day Singer instead.

More About Brett Manning’s Singing Success

Brett Manning developed Singing Success. He is a renowned vocal coach who has worked with some known artists. He is the vocal coach of Taylor Swift, Keith Urban, and many others.

The Singing Success started about fifteen years ago and was renowned as one of the best online singing lessons out in the market. It came with 12 different CDs and a 16-page workbook.

Since the release of Singing Success, Brett has been working on improving it and perfecting it.

Today, he has successfully managed to integrate all the key components into one package names Singing Success 360.

According to Brett Manning, this top-of-the-range vocal program contains his newest and best exercises, specifically designed to make the learning process faster. In over 25 years of knowledge and research, Brett is committed to helping singers perfect their craft.

Brett Manning’s Training

Three to six days a week is the suggested practice time. As you practice more, you will learn faster. Just remember to avoid pushing yourself too hard or you may end up damaging your voice. Monitor your progress as you go through the lessons.

What I recommend is to go through one of the CDs first, and then refer to the online video lessons. Then practice everything that you learned from that CD for about a week before you go to the next CD. Doing things this way may take longer compared to other online voice lessons like the Superior Singing Method but it will help you master all the different lessons.

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A Comprehensive Program

This complete and comprehensive program will cover all the different aspects of singing needed for you to become a better singer.

The topics under technique include:

  1. Discovering your voice
  2. Discovering high notes
  3. Discovering vocal power
  4. Discovering the light voice
  5. Discovering vocal freedom
  6. Discovering melody
  7. Discovering mastery

The topics under style include:

  1. Learning the BASIC Licks, Trills, & Runs
  2. Knowing ADVANCED Licks, Trills, & Runs
  3. Discovering Your Sound
  4. Discovering Stylistic Subtleties
  5. Discovering Musical Genres
  6. Discovering Improvisation
  7. Discovering The X Factor

Singing Success 360 has more than 100 singing exercises that you’ll find in 8 Techniques and 8 Style Lessons which are divided into 2 parts of core singing lessons. One of the most powerful vocal training techniques used today is the method that Brett Manning uses in his voice coaching.

You should consider getting this program if you wish to improve the range, power and the pitch of your singing voice. Once you have studied the various lessons and practiced the different techniques that Brett teaches, then you will know why he became one of the most sought after vocal coaches by some of the world’s greatest artists.

For Men and Women, Beginners and Professionals Alike

From the basic techniques to the more advanced lessons, this course will help you become a professional singer. Some of the advanced techniques taught in this course are exclusive to Singing Success 360, and you won’t find them anywhere else.

However, there are also some techniques in other courses (we reviewed some of them here) that you will not find in Singing Success. Still, some of the best vocal coaches teach this course. It truly is an awesome one.

If you are just like me, you are going to buy them all and go through everything.

Whether you are a man or a woman, Brett Manning will equip you with different sets of audio examples, which is another great thing about this course. You will get different examples tailor-made for guys and gals.

Versatile Formats and Clear and Simple Videos

Although there are some exercises that you need to do, the course is clear and simple, making it an easy to follow.

Personally, streaming or downloading MP3s is my preferred style of learning. Since Singing Success 360 is both downloadable and streamable, it makes it appealing.

It also includes clear and simple videos that are constantly updated on the SS360 user dashboard.

Last Thoughts

If you want to improve your singing voice, Singing Success is a great vocal training course that you should try out. There are some online music lessons that I like. I also like to learn as much as I can. If you have to choose one, well it’s really up to you depending on your preferred method of learning.

All of the music courses we reviewed in this site are great ones (one of our faves being 30 Day Singer and Vocal Mastery by Hear and Play). These courses are different. Figure out your preferred method of learning and from there, you can choose which product will work best for you. 

There are two reasons why I recommend Superior Singing Method over Singing Success: the 60-day money back guarantee offer and the vocal coach who is the mind behind this product is one of the best in the music business.


I have tried various online music courses, I have read a variety of books, and I have seen some videos.

If you really want to level up your voice and singing ability, I highly recommend you try out 30DaySinger (14 Day Free Trial) – they’ve got tons of great lessons and exercises to make you a better singer fast.

Thanks for checking out our review of Singing Success. I hope it was helpful.

Check out our previous Review of Superior Singing Method – Read Now

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